I Need a Tincture for my Tainture — The Unexpected Downfalls of Hiking

Hiking to me always sounds like a good idea. At least at first. I mean, who,doesn’t like a stroll through a forest or a meadow or up a hill to a great vista. I love those things…I’m a hiker…I have the poles to prove it.


But then,as usual,reality sets in. Sometimes even before the hike begins. Here’s how the conversation goes

Friend – “Hey, me and Bart are going to Super Amazing Vista State Park to do a hike, wanna come?”

Me – “Sure sounds like fun. When you going?”

Friend – “Probably this afternoon around 1.”

Me – ” Oh, yeah, great…umm…what’s the hi temp today?”

Friend – “I think about 84 degrees, not too bad.”

Me – “Uh huh, ummm right not too bad. And how long is the hike?”

Friend – “It’s a nice little loop trail about 4 miles.”

Me – “Right … 4 miles… not too bad, and could we bring the dog?”

Friend – “Aww, sorry but the park doesn’t allow pets off leash.”

Me – “Oh yeah I see.  So what you are asking is if I’d like to join you for a 2 hr trek, up hill, through Amazonian heat, then come back home and spend another hour walking the dog. Think I’ll have to pass.”

This is how my thought process usually goes.  So you may find it surprising to know that Jimmy and I planned a “vacation” around hiking. Sure, it’s not the sole thing we will do on vacation, but it is a big part.  And since we already told people we will be hiking through a national park they will expect that my pictures will contain at least some shots of us actually hiking.

And so we have set out on our Yosemite hiking vacation and did at least 2 pretty amazing hikes.

Hike 1–Yosemite Mist Trail–This is a 3 mile round trip hike to Vernal Falls (climbing about 1000 feet) (you could also do Nevada Falls but that is 7 miles).

Here is what you sometimes don’t take into account. HEAT! Of course this means extra exertion and dehydration so make sure you have LOTS of water. However heat also means sweat, sweat means wet skin, wet skin that rubs together or on cloth means chafing, chafing equals pain. Trust me I know! Pain that can sometimes be crippling – in that either you can’t walk anymore or you walk like John Wayne. Either way it’s embarrassing.

Plan ahead. This can be nipped in the bud if you bring along some Body Glide and apply liberally to your sensitive bits. If you forget, be prepared to hit the store for ibuprofen and Desitine. Ice is nice as well.

The hike was awesome though and pretty unforgettable.

Hike 2 — Cathedral Lakes–This hike is a 7 mile loop with a 1000 foot elevation climb.

Here is what I did not take into account. The recuperation factor! While we did have one day off in between these 2 hikes in which we spent time relaxing, these were two moderate hikes with steep trails at elevations we were not accustomed to. If you haven’t done some training for these more strenuous hikes you can feel the effects. I did some preparation workouts for our trip but clearly not enough as I was totally exhausted after each hike.

Again though,the scenery payoff was big and it is definitely a hike I will remember.

While there are definite draw backs to hiking, the rewards are totally worth it. You may look a bit bedraggled at the end


but of you plan it right you can hit a place like this to relax afterward


Ooo . . . Get Back From the Edge! Hiking Sentinal Dome in Yosemite

Before we left for our trip to this magnificent park, one of our dear friends said “Did you hear about that guy who died in Acadia National Park just getting out of his car to take a picture?” No, I hadn’t. Thanks Vince 😳

That said, it is important to have a healthy respect for these wonderfully wild and beautiful places and try to be as aware of your surroundings as possible. You can’t prevent every accident, but it was time to put Pokemon Go away.
Before our hike to Sentinal Dome, we started out with a nice easy hike through Nelder Grove. Since Mariposa Grove is closed for restorations until Spring 2017, we got this great tip from the owner of our B&B (Evergreen Haus) so we could still get our big tree fix.  Nelder Grove and Shadow of the Giants is an easy and fairly flat hike but not crowded at all (only the occasional German tourist) and with great payoffs.

image image image image image

Then, to prep even more,we decided to catch a power nap back at the inn before the big hike. This way, we would start in cooler temps and maybe catch the sunset. Ahhh…vacation!

It wasn’t until we began our drive to the trail head that I start to get nervous. How long is this hike? Jimmy thinks it is 6 miles round trip. Wait, I can’t do that!!!  That would take us at least 2.5 hrs maybe more and it could be dark, and what about the bears and wild cats, and for sure we will never make it out alive!!

Jimmy does his best to reassure me but I am not assuaged until I can read for myself that it is only a 2-mile round trip and rated easy to moderate.

We get to the trail head around 5:30. Sun still high in the sky and surrounded by other hikers. Calmness sets in. Thanks Jimmy for hanging in there with me.
It was as they said…a pretty easy hike. We meet nice people along the way and even see a family of sooty grouse (a very cool siting). My nerves don’t kick in again until I see the final ascent. I trudge up trying not to think about the LONG way down to the valley.

Finally at the top, we are rewarded with a totally awesome 360 degree view. I am truly speechless. Not only because of the view but also because everywhere I look it seems like people are standing on the very precipice of danger. I choose to stop looking.

The way down this large rock is not as bad as I thought, and Jimmy rewards me with some relaxing bird watching in the tall cedars nearby. Another life list bird gotten: acorn woodpecker.


All in all it was a great day. I totally recommend both of these hikes. One for the beauty of majestic trees and one for breathtaking views. Just don’t go too close to the edge…it makes me nervous.